BusinessInvestmentMarketing16 March 2024by Steven Oakes0How Much Should UK Businesses Spend on Marketing?

Understanding Your Industry’s Marketing Spend

In the dynamic world of business, determining the right marketing budget is pivotal. For UK companies, this means looking at percentages of revenue. Generally I go with the following;

  • B2B organisations should earmark between 2 and 5% of their revenue for marketing.
  • B2C firms, the slice is often thicker, ranging from 5 to 10%, reflecting their need to engage diverse customer segments across multiple channels.
  • Startups 12-15% to reflect the need to rapidly build brand awareness and a customer base,

Research is key though. Investigate your specific industry’s norms within the UK and gauge what your competitors are spending. This sets a realistic benchmark tailored to your market.

Setting Measurable Marketing Goals

Clarity in your marketing objectives cannot be overstated. Whether it’s increasing website traffic, enhancing in-store visits, or attracting a particular customer demographic, your goals need to be tangible and time-bound. This clarity not only streamlines your strategy but also ensures that your investment is well-justified.

Consider your customer personas deeply. What are their needs? How does your offering meet these needs uniquely? These insights will shape your campaigns, making them more likely to convert interest into sales.
To gain a deeper understanding of this process, consider exploring our blog on the “See Think Do Care” marketing framework, which delves into tailoring strategies to different stages of the customer journey.

Budgeting Across Marketing Channels

A comprehensive approach to budgeting considers all potential costs:

  • Website: Beyond the initial setup, include ongoing costs for hosting and content updates. Utilise analytics to track visitor behaviour and ROI.
  • Social Media: In the UK, platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are pivotal. Budget for both organic engagement and paid advertising.
  • Online Advertising: Tools like Google Ads demand a strategic investment, often starting from around £1,000 per month.
  • Traditional Media: Don’t overlook the power of traditional media, including radio and print, especially if they align well with your target audience.
  • E-Newsletters: Regular updates keep your business in the minds of your customers. Factor in the resources for content creation and distribution.
  • Video Marketing: An increasingly vital tool, video marketing varies in cost, from professional production to DIY smartphone videos.
  • Training: If you’re relying on in-house marketing, budget for ongoing training to keep your team’s skills sharp.
Tracking and Adjusting Your Marketing Budget

It’s essential to keep a close eye on your marketing spend. Regularly reviewing your expenses against your goals helps you stay on track. Adjust your budget based on what’s working. Quarterly and annual assessments will align your spend with your marketing objectives and the evolving UK market landscape.

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