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What is a Fractional CMO and How Do They Differ from a Full-Time CMO?
29 May 2024
What is a Fractional CMO and How Do They Differ from a Full-Time CMO?
I often get asked what a Fractional CMO is and why there is a need for one. Years of experience working in agencies with large and small clients has shown me that sometimes it’s not just feasible, but also not required to have a full-time CMO. This is where a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)...
How Much Should UK Businesses Spend on Marketing?
16 March 2024
How Much Should UK Businesses Spend on Marketing?
Understanding Your Industry’s Marketing Spend In the dynamic world of business, determining the right marketing budget is pivotal. For UK companies, this means looking at percentages of revenue. Generally I go with the following; B2B organisations should earmark between 2 and 5% of their revenue for marketing. B2C firms, the slice is often thicker, ranging...
Crafting Your Marketing Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners
4 February 2024
Crafting Your Marketing Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners
In this comprehensive guide, we break down the essentials of crafting a highly effective marketing strategy for business owners. From understanding your target audience and analysing competitors to setting SMART goals and tracking your performance metrics, we cover it all. Whether you're a start-up or an established business, discover how to leverage modern tools and technology to elevate your marketing efforts and achieve maximum results. If you're keen on steering your business towards greater heights, this is a must-read.